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Wednesday 17 November 2010

School magazine front cover evaluation/analysis

I feel that over all the school magazine front cover I produced was quite successful in meeting all the required elements.
        I still think that e few improvements could be made to the magazine front cover to make it even more publishable. I would retake the main image, as I feel the background could be improved and the lighting could have been better. I think that adding the shadowing to the text on the magazine front cove not only gave it a professional feel but makes the magazine catch your eye more than it originally would have.
        When I was initially starting to produce the magazine I chose a “flame” text for the masthead as I thought this would make it more appealing but after discussions, I decided against the idea, which when I look back at now was a good idea. I chose to put the date, price and slogan in a red font because I believe it will attract people’s attention not only to the whole magazine but to the information letting you know it’s a current magazine and what would soon be a well-known slogan.
          For the main image I took inspiration from many top weekly magazines as well as a few monthly ones to place text around the main image rather than placing it over the top.
This I feel would have detracted from the image and made the magazine feel unprofessional.
         As the majority of the people answered my questionnaire answered that they would prefer the yellow and blue colour scheme, I feel this was a good choice as it is in keeping with the school colours and people will be able to identify it as a school magazine.

School magazine front cover evaluation/analysis

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