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Thursday 4 November 2010

Questionare Evaluation

  1. five males and five females compleated the questionare. 
  2. The average age of the people that compleated the questionare was sixteen.
  3. Eight out of ten people read magazines weekly and the other two read them monthly.
  4. The most popular genres of magazine were Fashion, Music and Gossip.
  5. The price people would be prepared to spend on the magazine is one pound.
  6. Pupils were the main image selected by all the people that compleated the questionare.
  7. The most popular masthead was school news.
  8. The most popular colour scheme for the magazine was yellow and blue.
  9. Exam results and sport were chosen for the main topics.
  10. "All the inside news just for you" was the most popular slogan for the magazine.
I have taken the results into consideration but have chosen to change the masthead to "KHS NEWS" because i feel it is better suited.
Also i have chosen to go with "ALL THE GOSSIP WHERE YOU WANT IT" as the slogan.

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