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Wednesday 13 October 2010


Dan Ashton 12nw
Media studies
School magazine questionnaire

1.       What sex are you?

·         Male
·         Female

2.       How old are you?

·         11-14
·         15-18
·         18+

3.       How often do you read magazines?

·         Never
·         Once a week
·         Once a month
·         More than once a week

4.       What genre of magazine interests you most?

·         Music
·         Gossip
·         Fashion
·         Celebrity
·         Other (please specify)

5.       How much would you be prepared to pay for a magazine?

  •          50p
  •          £1
  •          £2
  •          More than £2

6.       What would you prefer as the main image on the magazine cover?

·         Pupils
·         Teachers
·         The school building
·         Sporting event
·         Lessons
7.       Which of the following would make a good masthead

·         Kings news
·         King henry times
·         Eighth news
·         KHS
·         School news

8.       What colour would be best suited to the masthead?

·         Yellow and blue
·         Red and Black
·         White and pink
·         Green and orange

9.       What topics would you like to be mentioned in the magazine?

·         Sport
·         School uniform
·         Curriculum
·         Exam results

10.   Which of the following would make a good slogan for the magazine?

·         All the gossip in one place
·         News for pupils and teachers
·         All the inside news just for you
·         Its going on in your school, you should know about it